Reviews, Views and Adventures in Content Creation

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Leveling Up: Starting to Build an Online Clientele

One of the most common criticisms of sites like Fiverr and Upwork is that they're essentially a "race to the bottom," offering services at ever cheaper rates, making the prospect of earning a living virtually impossible.

True, there are thousands of people offering pro gigs at rock-bottom prices. The cost of living, after all, is cheaper in Thailand and India than Los Angeles. They're in every category, from website creation to video services to writing. In some situations, westerners have relocated to low-cost locales. I wondered if it possible to compete.

I decided to look further. As I said, as a client, I had already spent over $200 on Fiverr services with just two sellers. I consciously avoided the lower cost options. I wanted to employ an established pro with whom a positive outcome was more likely.

As a seller, that's where I want to be.

I had two built-in advantages, even as a newcomer: First, I was a video professional with several Los Angeles Emmy Awards to my name (and several additional nominations). I also have published three young adult novels (with a fourth on the way). I hoped those facts gave me a bit of a leg-up against the competition, even though I didn't have a work history or online reviews on the freelance sites when I began.

I couldn't charge a premium, though. Despite my background, developing a presence and a collection of positive reviews is the key to higher end gigs. I started the process, seeking small gigs for 25 or 35 dollars that I could complete quickly and cleanly. The jobs I scored weren't going to make a dent in my income, but they would allow me, to borrow game parlance, to "level up" and allow me to play a more powerful game. More on that next time. 

Remember to follow me on Twitter @rickflix

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