Reviews, Views and Adventures in Content Creation

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Creative Community [Blogging Every Day #19]


 As of today, I've exceeded my monthly readership stats on this blog over every month since it began in 2007. My previous best month was back in February, 2011 (I'm not entirely sure what "clicked" back then).

This time, my vastly improved stats relate first to the "Blogging Every Day" concept, and my personal commitment to (try to) create useful blogs as much as possible. Also, these blogs are much more narrowly focused on writing in general, my personal writing process, and "My Life at the Bottom of the Food Chain."
My old friend Mike Lidskin allowed me to launch my book
on his rockin' radio show, The Twirl, back in June, 2013. 

Previously, this blog has had a broader focus related to the relationship between old and new media. Over time, though, my exploration through the social media landscape (over two hundred YouTube videos - including my Vlogger Interviews) has led me back to storytelling, which is at the core of everything I do - from producing non-fiction content to video editing. Over the years, though, I put writing fiction on the back burner. Though being a "writer" was probably the first identity I embraced as a boy, I haven't pursued with as much dedication as I am now.

Why? Simply put: through social technology, I've surrounded myself with creative people the world over who enjoy sharing their passion, whatever it might be. I've come to know a number of YouTubers, some more prominent than others, who enjoy the creative process. Their creative energy led me right back to my first passion - and ultimately, my first book.

So, thanks for reading, and thanks for creating.

You can follow me on Twitter @Rickflix