Reviews, Views and Adventures in Content Creation

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Ebook vs. Paperback: "Yeah, But It's Not A Real Book"

In creating a book aimed (or at least intended for) middle school aged readers, I've been curious as to whether my book will be read more in ebook or paperback.    While tablets are used more and more, they're still not as ubiquitous as they my own life.  In face, as the paperback version of "My Life at the Bottom of the Food Chain" moves closer to publication, I've discovered anticipation and general interest has actually been greater than when I launched the ebook a couple of weeks ago.  When this all shakes out and I can see actual stats, I'll be very interested in seeing how readers are enjoying the book.

Coincidentally, recently shared with me this infogrpahic showing just how quickly technology is now being embraced in the classroom.  It combines data from a series of surveys and reports from a variety of news and media organizations to show that technology, finally is beginning to be embraced by teachers and (not unexpectedly) by students, after some uncertainty and suspicion just a few short years ago.

Though outside the scope of this graphic, I'd be interested in exploring if the "digital divide" between poor and wealthier schools has narrowed in recent years - or do these trends, as important as they are, still reflect schools that have the resources to embrace technology?

In relation to my book, I suspect that my target group, at least at this point in time, will largely read my book in paperback.  After all, when I told my eight year old nephew that I had an ebook, he was unimpressed, and said, "Well, yeah, but it's not a real book."

What do we Know Infographic

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