My profile on Upwork is always a work in progress as time and new skills develop. I learn new strategies from reviewing profiles of other freelancers. I'm constantly looking for ways to better target the professional/entrepreneurial clients I seek. I read and re-read my profile. Am I pontificating too much? Am I presenting too much information? Present too much of your qualifications
My "cover letters" on Upwork are always changing, too. They're certainly customized for individual clients, but I also look at better focusing these letters on the specific talents that I offer, and presenting my qualifications not as proof of my abilities, but as an indication of the services I can provide to the client. Again, I'm always looking for better ways to show that I offer quality, client centered services.
Over at Fiverr, where freelancers offer specific gigs, as opposed to seeking out clients who need services, I'lm constantly searching for concepts that would improve the visibility of my gigs. That means finding the right SEO: the keywords and descriptions that help people find my services when searching across the web. I've also discovered that visibility on Fiverr is directly impacted by how often I edit my gigs. Editing the description or other details seems to push my gigs upward and improve my visibility.

My question now: Will people find the gig? I tried titling the gig, "I'll Write a Customized Holiday Story," but decided to switch it to "Christmas Story" as a more likely search term. I'll update the experiment here, and let you know if I receive one order, several orders, or no orders at all. It's worth the experiment, even if it turns out to be a learning experience.
To learn about my latest adventures in the Gig Economy, follow me on Twitter @rickflix